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Export of Japanese Amusement Park Operation Method

Export of Japanese Amusement Park Operation Method


True Safety of Amusement Parks Theme Parks can be Achieved

​Experienced in two major theme parks in Japan and consulting more than ten local amusement parks in Asia.
No major accident has occurred at my clients’ amusement parks since then.
Taking the size and actual operation state into account, I introduce the latest operation method to each amusement park.

Client comments;

“There are no accidents nor worker injuries after we asked Gun-san for advice.”
“Successfully lowered the maintenance cost while maintaining safety, and as a result, lead to gaining benefit.”
“We were starting to lose hope but now we have more guests coming.”

It would be very grateful if I can be of any help as a safety management/business consultant specialized in amusement parks and theme parks to restore turnout at your local parks.

Consultation Services

Attraction Operation



 Keep guests and staffs safe.


  1. Visualize safety by evaluating quantitatively. 

  2. Run safety assessment and make it obvious what to start with to improve or solve the problem. 

  3. Guest service training

(Share with you the guest service philosophy and skills from various size theme parks around the world.)


  • Attain safe operation with no big accidents.

  • Make a fresh start as a safe amusement park/theme park where guests can have fun and feel secure.

  • Make accurate investment to improve safety.

  • Free managers and administrators from worrying for big accidents and let them focus on business management.

List of Operation Services (Service actually provided to our clients)

  • Figure out the hazardous points in the park and carry out measures 

  • Acceleration measurement and analysis on attractions 

  • Safety assessment on seat cushions on rollercoasters

  • Safety assessment and countermeasures on adventure playgrounds and playground equipment

  • Safety improvement on parades and special events

  • Examine and improve operation manuals 

  • Guest service trainings 

  • Safety trainings (such as hazard prediction trainings) 


and more…


When expressing safety quantitatively, we conform to not only Japan’s Building Standards Act but also standards applied abroad such as ASTM and EN. We never judge safety vaguely just by instincts.

Conditions of guest services and the quality inside the park will also be quantitatively assessed and be followed-up on dashboard. Efficacy of the improvement can be checked visually. 

Attraction Maintenance


Perform appropriate maintenance to prevent unexpected failures and accidents on attractions, and enhance prolonging the life of the attraction.
Recently the difficulty of maintenance due to complication of attraction structure is regarded an issue. In addition, there are cases which maintenance stated in the standard manual not covering individual differences enough, such as installed environment, usage frequency or aging deterioration. Determining whether the maintenance is optimized for each attraction is required. 


  1. Optimize maintenance work by re-examining maintenance item and cycle using two difference approaches; one is a theoretical approach which each part is scored with its severity level based on its characteristics. The other approach is an onsite-based approach where actual use environment and deterioration state is evaluated. 

  2. Safety training with maintenance personnel and preparation of maintenance inspection manual.

  3. Perform attraction life prediction assessment.



  • Prevent failures and accidents on attractions. 

  • Enable best and high quality maintenance performed in-house.

  • Make maintenance work efficient and lead to reducing fixed cost. 

  • Prolonging life of attraction. Replacement frequency of consumables is the key. 

  • Propose efficient investment planning by predicting service life.

List of Maintenance Services (Service actually provided to our clients)

  • Examine and improve maintenance items 

  • Examine and improve maintenance cycle 

  • Safety trainings on maintenance personnel

  • Improve efficiency of maintenance 

  • Create maintenance inspection manual 

  • Create emergency response manual 

  • Legal inspection on attractions

  • Prolonging life of attraction and investment planning based on service life prediction


and more…


We also provide attraction inspection services. Qualified Building Equipment and Elevator Inspector. We assure the quality of our onsite work.


Sample of the manual

Theme park management

Theme park management


Identify the financial condition of the company using statistical assessment/prediction, and improve the balance of payments. 


  1. Based on marketing, propose scenarios of projects such as events and large facility investment/payback. 

  2. Predict attendance utilizing statistics. 

  3. Based on attendance prediction, optimize part-time worker shifts and stock adjustment for retail goods, foods and beverages. 

  4. Improve retail shops and restaurants/food carts including food menus. 


  • Draw up a budget plan backed up by clear evidence and achieve a systematic management. 

  • Increase sales and reduce cost. 
    (Increase attendance, increase retail sales and food sales, reduce fix costs)
    Actual example: Achieved 100-million-yen increase of operating profit at an amusement park with annual attendance of around 300,000. 

  • Hold events with a great draw. 
    Actual example: 180.6% attendance growth compared to the previous year’s figure

Theme Park Management Service List
(Service actually provided to our clients) 

  • Marketing strategy planning

  • Improve profit by calculating cost effectiveness of events 

  • Quantify repair items, prioritize and optimize investment

  • Decision making on large investments

  • Attendance prediction utilizing statistical method

  • Optimizing part-time worker shifts 

  • Improve and increase sales of retail shops and restaurants/food carts

  • Change the high-cost structure, offer necessary cost reduction


and more…

Furthermore, we also afford construction-related advice to new theme parks and attractions newly opening in Japan and overseas. 
We are also happy to help you with capacity calculation based on market area analysis, listing up tasks that needs to be done by grand opening and create a To Do List, staffing plans and so on. 

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